Jasl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1614,021doorkeeper-mongodbDoorkeeper Mongoid ORM extension
210,39710,307wx_payAn unofficial simple wechat pay gem
322,46731,663jquery-middlemanThis gem provides jQuery for your Middleman application.
423,78713,670options_modelAn ActiveModel implementation that make easier to handle model which will be serialized...
524,49220,054activeentityRails virtual model solution based on ActiveModel design for Rails 6+.
624,74853,556duck_recordIt looks like Active Record and quacks like Active Record, but it can't do persistence ...
727,22114,857role_coreRoleCore is a Rails engine which could provide essential industry of Role-based access ...
830,44253,556form_coreA Rails engine providing ability to generate dynamic form. It's would make such as dy...
935,10186,038script_coreA script engine powered by mruby sandboxie, It's a fork of Shopify's ESS.
1055,49953,556rbac_coreA Rails engine providing essential industry of Role-based access control
1156,08626,609jasl_tenpayAn unofficial simple tenpay gem
1281,95142,025ueditor_railsUeditor is a WYSIWYG editor adapt to Chinese habits, this gem is a easy way to integrat...
1387,46986,038middleman-blog_pageBlog page engine for Middleman
1490,67853,556flow_coreA multi purpose, extendable, Workflow-net-based workflow engine for Rails applications,...
15112,45386,038workflow_coreA Rails engine which providing essential infrastructure of workflow. It's based on Work...
16137,70086,038bifubaoAn unofficial bifubao ruby gem