Waiting-for-dev's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0781,995warden-jwt_authJWT authentication for Warden, ORM agnostic and accepting the implementation of token r...
22,0912,070devise-jwtJWT authentication for devise with configurable token revocation strategies
33,3594,605solidus_coreEssential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
43,3664,332solidus_apiREST API for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
53,3704,739solidus_backendAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
63,4274,742solidus_sampleSample data (including images) for use with Solidus.
73,4444,703solidusSolidus is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails.
83,4545,312solidus_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...
93,4555,233solidus_frontendLegacy cart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project. For new Solidus apps, we...
103,6505,081solidus_supportCommon runtime helpers for Solidus extensions.
116,7414,723front_matter_parserParse a front matter from syntactically correct strings or files
1311,2246,794omnesOmnes is a Ruby library implementing the publish-subscribe pattern. This pattern allows...
1414,06411,117solidus_dev_supportDevelopment tools for Solidus extensions.
1534,82561,114web_pipeRack application builder through a pipe of operations on an immutable struct.
1639,08161,114landing_pageMinimal, flexible, unobstrusive rails 4 engine for an email subscription form. It colle...
1971,81223,042solidus_easypostEasyPost integration for Solidus stores.
2097,41627,459solidus_graphql_apiGraphQL comes to Solidus
21129,43261,114dry-web-web_pipeweb_pipe integration for dry-web apps
23139,05861,114leo-modelGeneric classes to write anything
24139,60161,114leoMeta package that includes leo-model
25178,88561,114aixo_es_una_provaWrite a longer description or delete this line.