Amhol's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1260203dry-coreA toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem
2294228dry-logicPredicate logic with rule composition
3295225dry-typesType system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ...
4303522dry-configurableA mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes
5345844dry-containerA simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby
6629742dry-validationValidation library
71,4741,247dry-monadsCommon monads for Ruby
81,5981,610dry-auto_injectContainer-agnostic automatic constructor injection
910,07114,192pin_upA Ruby gem wrapper for the pin-payments ( API
1010,9766,672rspec-dry-structRSpec `have_attribute` matcher for dry-struct gem
1112,03214,915dry-componentOrganize your code into reusable components
1212,62913,455dry-web-rodaRoda integration for dry-web apps
1313,00012,619roda-flowThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1414,09913,321dry-webLightweight web application stack on top of dry-system
1518,03521,477rom-httpHTTP support for ROM
1626,76140,310openraOpenra Rubygem
1727,45317,354roda-containerA plugin for Roda which turns your application into a (IoC) container
1865,92940,310pr-pinPin Payments API wrapper inplemented using rom-rb HTTP adapter.
1983,29440,310roda-actionA plugin for Roda to resolve actions from roda-container
2090,09540,310dry-pipelinePipeline operator for callable objects
21140,10140,310resource_hasAdds the class method "resource_has" (for building dependencies) when included by a con...
22151,30740,310dry-importerImport a constant tree into another