Naps62's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,56415,400money-uphold-bankA gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from Compatib...
225,73522,084capistrano3-monitMonit integration for Capistrano 3
338,34163,432bitreserveA wrapper for the bitreserve API
438,57463,432capistrano3-envEnvironment variables management for Capistrano 3
539,62763,432headquartersRuby wrapper for the headquarters API for Group Buddies
645,54363,432upholdA wrapper for the Uphold API
761,57863,432gb-firestarterFirestarter is the way to get great apps up and running in a heartbeat. It's what we us...
866,33941,916omniauth-bitreserveOAuth2 strategy for the Bitreserve API, by Group Buddies
970,99763,432meo_walletRuby wrapper for MEO Wallet API
1092,20163,432omniauth-upholdOAuth2 strategy for the Uphold API, by Subvisual
1194,21663,432timetrap_toggltimetrap-toggl bridges the gap between your entries in Timetrap and your project ta...
1294,27963,432middleman-critical_csscriticalCSS integrated in middleman's pipeline
1394,28863,432omniauth-headquartersOAuth2 strategy for the Headquarters API, by Group Buddies
14115,96963,432action_mailer_providerAction Mailer configuration helper
15142,41463,432capistrano-compact-formatterA compact formatter for capistrano 3
16143,68063,432cesium-todoWrite a longer description. Optional.
17146,37063,432meo-walletRuby wrapper for MEO Wallet API
18146,41863,432meo-wallet-rubyRuby wrapper for MEO Wallet API
19149,18341,916sapo-wallet-rubyRuby wrapper for SAPO Wallet API
20157,16963,432what_have_i_doneProvide me a summary of my toggl work day