1 | 20,334 | 11,043 | koudoku | Robust subscription support for Rails with Stripe. Provides package levels, coupons, lo... |
2 | 22,432 | 9,316 | stripe_invoice | stripe_invoice adds PDF views and automated emails to your Koudoku-based application |
3 | 39,670 | 41,916 | mozapi | MozAPI is a light-weight wrapper for the MozscapeAPI (http://moz.com/products/api). It ... |
4 | 68,808 | 41,916 | ahrefs_api | AhrefsAPI is a light-weight wrapper for the AhrefsAPI (https://ahrefs.com/api/documenta... |
5 | 85,927 | 30,305 | koudoku_coupons | KoudokuCoupons allows you to use the full power of |
6 | 173,496 | 41,916 | interest_calc | Helps you calculate interest for open lines of credit |