Stympy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1150181fakerFaker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, ad...
21,1041,447honeybadgerMake managing application errors a more pleasant experience.
311,77316,068incomingIncoming! standardizes various mail parse apis, making it a snap to receive emails thro...
429,4508,543pg_partition_managerManage PostgreSQL table partitions
530,52721,532faker-botQuickly look up Faker methods without leaving your terminal!
643,69253,556data_formatterFormat data for display
755,97735,920raptInstall, remove, and discover new plugins for your Ruby on Rails app.
867,04342,025yabeda-honeybadger_insightsYabeda Honeybadger Insights adapter
976,63742,025upload_juicerUploadJuicer juices up your images!
10114,49653,556idonethisSimple client for the iDoneThis API