1 | 12,294 | 43,535 | y_petri | YPetri is a DSL (domain-specific language) for modelling of dynamical systems. It is bi... |
2 | 13,116 | 117,678 | y_support | Methods and assets of general utility. NameMagic, core extensions, typing etc. |
3 | 18,641 | 68,530 | sy | Physical units library |
4 | 28,694 | 58,846 | y_nelson | Zz structures are an interesting way of representing relations invented by Ted Nelson, ... |
5 | 33,101 | 77,965 | yzz | Mixin Yzz imbues the includer with qualities of a ZZ structure cell. |
6 | 65,768 | 34,617 | cell_cycle | Eukaryotic cell cycle modelled at different levels of precision. Has two levels at the ... |
7 | 73,299 | 97,080 | pyper | Ruby extension of Lispy #car/#cdr methods. |