Boris-s's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,29443,535y_petriYPetri is a DSL (domain-specific language) for modelling of dynamical systems. It is bi...
213,116117,678y_supportMethods and assets of general utility. NameMagic, core extensions, typing etc.
318,64168,530syPhysical units library
428,69458,846y_nelsonZz structures are an interesting way of representing relations invented by Ted Nelson, ...
533,10177,965yzzMixin Yzz imbues the includer with qualities of a ZZ structure cell.
665,76834,617cell_cycleEukaryotic cell cycle modelled at different levels of precision. Has two levels at the ...
773,29997,080pyperRuby extension of Lispy #car/#cdr methods.