1 | 6,761 | 6,283 | more_core_extensions | MoreCoreExtensions are a set of core extensions beyond those provided by ActiveSupport. |
2 | 8,355 | 7,057 | binary_struct | BinaryStruct is a class for dealing with binary structured data. It simplifies
express... |
3 | 8,512 | 6,452 | manageiq-smartstate | ManageIQ SmartState Analysis |
4 | 8,568 | 7,203 | ansible_tower_client | Ansible Tower REST API wrapper gem |
5 | 8,738 | 6,934 | vmware_web_service | A ruby interface to Vmware Web Services SDK |
6 | 8,888 | 7,276 | ovirt_metrics | OvirtMetrics is an ActiveRecord-based gem for reading the oVirt History database. |
7 | 9,064 | 7,073 | linux_block_device | Ruby module to interact with block devices on Linux platforms. |
8 | 9,169 | 7,119 | memory_buffer | Ruby module to create memory buffers on Linux platforms. |
9 | 10,717 | 6,967 | manageiq-password | A simple encryption util for storing passwords in a database. |
10 | 10,729 | 7,087 | activerecord-id_regions | ActiveRecord extension to allow partitioning ids into regions, for merge replication pu... |
11 | 11,546 | 7,073 | manageiq-postgres_ha_admin | ManageIQ Postgres H.A. Admin |
12 | 12,183 | 8,801 | manageiq-appliance_console | ManageIQ Appliance Console |
13 | 13,736 | 7,237 | foreman_api_client | Foreman apipie-bindings wrapper |
14 | 22,208 | 13,800 | insights-api-common | Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig... |
15 | 22,255 | 86,038 | net_app_manageability | Ruby binding to NetApp Manageability SDK. |
16 | 38,892 | 35,920 | manageiq-network_discovery | ManageIQ Network Discovery |
17 | 48,084 | 86,038 | ruby_bugzilla | The RubyBugzilla gem has been renamed to ActiveBugzilla and will no longer be supported... |
18 | 59,931 | 22,512 | manageiq-api-common | Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for micro... |
19 | 61,004 | 22,512 | httpd_configmap_generator | The Httpd Configmap Generator |
20 | 84,206 | 86,038 | active_bugzilla | ActiveBugzilla is an ActiveRecord like interface to the Bugzilla API. |
21 | 150,802 | 53,556 | large_file_linux | Ruby class to read large files on 32 bit Linux platforms. |