Chessbyte's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7616,283more_core_extensionsMoreCoreExtensions are a set of core extensions beyond those provided by ActiveSupport.
28,3557,057binary_structBinaryStruct is a class for dealing with binary structured data. It simplifies express...
38,5126,452manageiq-smartstateManageIQ SmartState Analysis
48,5687,203ansible_tower_clientAnsible Tower REST API wrapper gem
58,7386,934vmware_web_serviceA ruby interface to Vmware Web Services SDK
68,8887,276ovirt_metricsOvirtMetrics is an ActiveRecord-based gem for reading the oVirt History database.
79,0647,073linux_block_deviceRuby module to interact with block devices on Linux platforms.
89,1697,119memory_bufferRuby module to create memory buffers on Linux platforms.
910,7176,967manageiq-passwordA simple encryption util for storing passwords in a database.
1010,7297,087activerecord-id_regionsActiveRecord extension to allow partitioning ids into regions, for merge replication pu...
1111,5467,073manageiq-postgres_ha_adminManageIQ Postgres H.A. Admin
1212,1838,801manageiq-appliance_consoleManageIQ Appliance Console
1313,7367,237foreman_api_clientForeman apipie-bindings wrapper
1422,20813,800insights-api-commonHeader, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig...
1522,25586,038net_app_manageabilityRuby binding to NetApp Manageability SDK.
1638,89235,920manageiq-network_discoveryManageIQ Network Discovery
1748,08486,038ruby_bugzillaThe RubyBugzilla gem has been renamed to ActiveBugzilla and will no longer be supported...
1859,93122,512manageiq-api-commonHeader, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for micro...
1961,00422,512httpd_configmap_generatorThe Httpd Configmap Generator
2084,20686,038active_bugzillaActiveBugzilla is an ActiveRecord like interface to the Bugzilla API.
21150,80253,556large_file_linuxRuby class to read large files on 32 bit Linux platforms.