1 | 41,251 | 49,384 | fat | C extension to find values in nested hashes without pain |
2 | 43,603 | 24,223 | hatch | An address without a street? A person without a name? You don't need no invalid objects! |
3 | 65,402 | 49,384 | quickblox-rb | Ruby gem to work with Quickblox API |
4 | 70,123 | 107,996 | assert-url | Semantical helpers to test your URLs in Ruby |
5 | 71,260 | 66,011 | coercive | Coercive is a library to validate and coerce user input |
6 | 77,820 | 107,996 | fat-rb | Ruby implementation of the Fat gem |
7 | 100,754 | 49,384 | assert-send | Easy message expectation for tests in Ruby |
8 | 160,447 | 107,996 | cell-i18n | i18n library inspired in Trailblazer's Cell |