Tonchis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
141,25149,384fatC extension to find values in nested hashes without pain
243,60324,223hatchAn address without a street? A person without a name? You don't need no invalid objects!
365,40249,384quickblox-rbRuby gem to work with Quickblox API
470,123107,996assert-urlSemantical helpers to test your URLs in Ruby
571,26066,011coerciveCoercive is a library to validate and coerce user input
677,820107,996fat-rbRuby implementation of the Fat gem
7100,75449,384assert-sendEasy message expectation for tests in Ruby
8160,447107,996cell-i18ni18n library inspired in Trailblazer's Cell