Yujinakayama's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16244rubocopRuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...
2117150rspec-railsrspec-rails integrates the Rails testing helpers into RSpec.
31,678951guard-rubocopGuard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.
42,0696,458astrolabeAn object-oriented AST extension for Parser
56,45134,617transpecTranspec converts your specs to the latest RSpec syntax with static and dynamic code an...
67,2945,184rspec-composable_json_matchersRSpec matchers for JSON strings with the power of built-in matchers and composable matc...
721,71830,896timecop-redisTimecop extension for Redis
839,50897,080japan_etcJapan ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System) database
944,34777,965safedepMake your Gemfile safe by adding dependency version specifiers automatically.
1063,02077,965gemologistA library for rewriting your Gemfile and gemspec.
1167,793117,678ruboty-ruby_persistenceA Ruboty handler for persisting Ruby variables
1295,45658,846cocoapods-check_latestA CocoaPods plugin that checks if the latest version of a pod is up to date
13108,716117,678test_siteJust a test site
14117,999117,678rubygems-xcodeproj_generatorProvides a Rake task for generating an Xcode project for C extension development.
15154,319117,678rspec-hue_formatterBring RSpec integration into your room with Philips Hue.
16166,648117,678rubocop-regexpRuboCop extension for analyzing regular expressions in Ruby source code
17174,062117,678repository_mergerA tool for merging existing Git repositories into a monorepo with the original commit h...