Jmcaffee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
145,90466,923gdlcRuby support for GDLC compiler
260,29366,923admin_moduleCommand line interface for Admin Module
383,28643,406ooliteUtility scripts for tracking markets and assisting with trading in the Oolite game.
486,29666,923ams_layoutGenerate AMS Portal control field configuration data
589,07966,923ktutilsCommonly used ruby utility classes and methods.
693,14343,406qbt_clientqBittorrent client
7105,41566,923tartanclothA wrapper around the BlueCloth gem which incorporates HTML5 headers, footers, and a tab...
8109,23466,923xmlutilsXML Utility classes library and XmlToGdl application.
9110,08866,923normalizexmlNormalizeXml is a utility to normalize XML files for easy comparison.
10110,33966,923parse_decisionAMS Decision Log Parser
11111,55566,923browser_loaderWatir-webdriver based browser loader class providing additional chromium configuration ...
12116,53835,214rakeutilsRake task classes for 3rd party apps
13117,76066,923portal_moduleCommand line interface for Portal Module
14143,86966,923ktcommonkTech common helper class library
15144,82666,923ams_var_fileGenerate AMS variable declaration files and provide for adding and deleting variables.
16146,12166,923exceltocsvExcelToCsv is a utility library for converting Excel files to CSV format.
17148,63243,406ppmtogdlPpmToGdl generates GDL PPM definitions from a PrimaryParameters.xml file.
18161,41366,923gamewispGameWisp API ruby library
19161,92466,923imap_clearClear out IMAP emailbox