#680's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,81211,504robotsIt parses robots.txt files
218,14061,367acts_as_solrActs As Solr
319,14161,367websolr-sunspot_railswebsolr to sunspot_rails shim
419,84511,358mwmitchell-rsolrRSolr is a Ruby gem for working with Apache Solr!
520,52261,367websolr-railsMakes Sunspot and acts_as_solr play with WebSolr
624,93361,367websolr-acts_as_solrShim from websolr to acts_as_solr
725,86441,086fizx-proxymachineProxyMachine is a simple content aware (layer 7) TCP routing proxy written in Ruby with...
825,89061,367scala-bootstrapperTwitter scala project init
942,44019,101onemorecloud-websolr-railsacts_as_solr compatible gem for websolr
1046,11721,627parsley-rubyXML/HTML Parser
1149,51841,086filezorpure ruby file sync
1259,23721,627plain_option_parserParse command-line options in style
1364,03161,367latchThis is a really simple countdown latch for Ruby.
1465,49961,367capshCapistrano shell
1570,64061,367websolrPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
1674,30761,367remindSimple command-line notifications via growl
1780,79561,367protodiffDiffs two protobuf files to ensure that they are mutually compatible
1884,12561,367csvgetSuper easy to use (but lots of dependencies :/) parser
1986,05961,367edge-parsley-rubyXML/HTML Parser
2088,19761,367fizx-aws-keychain-utilHelps manage a keychain of AWS credentials on OS X.
2191,62461,367yawnasync http
2292,39161,367rmvregex mv
2392,65741,086rwgetRuby port of wget, emphasis on recursive/crawler
2496,14961,367jira4nixWork in progress
25105,70461,367thread_poolPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
26107,20161,367collapsed_routesPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
27107,34961,367date_rangePlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
28108,51961,367dexqueryPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
29110,60961,367uberchronicPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
30112,78641,086parsleyPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
31114,15741,086ordered_jsonPlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
32115,04661,367stemmablePlaceholder for a gem to be migrated later
34118,11661,367edhdSimple AB testing
35120,68661,367fizx-chargifyRuby wrapper for the chargify.com SAAS and billing API
36121,19261,367tablegrokLook: html tables as Ruby
37121,62861,367janeexperiment in monkey-patching
38122,59361,367http_echo_serverSimple server for testing
39124,20241,086protobuf-coreGoogle Protocol Buffers serialization and compiler implementation for Ruby.
40128,14561,367straitjacketPostgreSQL constraints in Ruby
41131,95961,367slowA TCP reverse proxy that responds slowly
42132,46161,367pullmePull request creator
43142,36661,367zkexecRun a process in a wrapper that manages config files from zookeeper
44170,64961,367spotsManages spot instances