Xeger's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,8323,385backticksCaptures stdout, stderr and (optionally) stdin; uses PTY to avoid buffering.
24,2313,580docker-composeProvides an OOP interface to docker-compose and facilitates container-to-host and host-...
38,97263,432global_sessionA toolkit of useful, reusable foundation code created by RightScale.
411,78016,639dockerProvides an OOP interface to docker's command-line interface without relying on its HTT...
528,45363,432cmdbReads CMDB variables from files, Consul, and elsewhere.
630,01163,432stalinKill Web application workers based on arbitrary conditions.
752,72230,305docker-rainbowGenerates terse, meaningful, unique names for your Docker containers.
895,34763,432lint_fuThis tool helps identify bugs in your code. It is Rails-centric but its modular design ...
9132,16663,432cql-modelLightweight, performant OOP wrapper for Cassandra tables; inspired by DataMapper.