Snarlysodboxer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,79642,025deployinatorDeploy Ruby on Rails using Capistrano and Docker
240,14186,038postgresinatorDeploy PostgreSQL instances using Capistrano and Docker
341,96720,749libvirtinatorAn Opinionated libvirt VM Deployment gem
449,28086,038nginxinatorDeploy Nginx instances using Capistrano and Docker
566,52353,556crontabinatorDeploy Crontabs using an existing Cron Daemon
681,98853,556capistrano-notify-hubotSend Notifications to Hubot about Capistrano start, finish, etc.
797,94853,556dekerneldeKernel is a simple tool that finds installed kernels and automates the removal of any...
8115,28786,038pingdominatorIdempotently Setup Pindom Alerts during Deployment
9117,06986,038rsyncinatorCapistrano Plugin to run Rsyncs repeatably
10158,82186,038pureftpdinatorDeploy Ruby on Rails using Capistrano and Docker