Digitalextremist's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12401,399celluloidCelluloid enables people to build concurrent programs out of concurrent objects just as...
23001,597celluloid-ioEvented IO for Celluloid actors
33241,533celluloid-supervisionSupervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.
43251,537celluloid-poolAn implementation of an actor pool, based on the Celluloid concurrent object framework.
53261,535celluloid-essentialsNotifications, Internals, Logging, Probe, and essential Celluloid pieces demanding Supe...
63271,538celluloid-fsmSimple finite state machines with integrated Celluloid timeout support.
73281,534celluloid-extrasClasses to support examples, benchmarks, or add special functionality.
87,20668,530rspec-logsplitA new logger for each example
99,57022,633reelA Celluloid::IO-powered HTTP server
1016,85716,519celluloid-zmqCelluloid bindings to the ffi-rzmq library
1120,17626,251dcellDCell is an distributed object framework based on Celluloid built on 0MQ and Zookeeper
1221,39046,777reel-rackRack adapter for Reel
1388,12053,263estoProcess statistics, and utility for finding problems in Celluloid systems.
1489,21258,846abstractiveBase utilities and framework for Abstractive gems.
1591,31043,535cellumonThread summary and reporting actor, utility for finding leaks and monitoring.
1693,174117,678timespansTime delineation and organization utilities.
1796,89253,263celluloid-dnsCelluloid::DNS provides a high-performance DNS client resolver and server which can b...
18107,02268,530phyreRuby without the sap.
19108,101117,678matioxRuby gem for Aj'kij daykeepers and uninitiated alike.
20109,68758,846celluloid-cultureIn which we try to codify Celluloid's life philosophy as Ruby
21112,65768,530easelTransmedia framework for strategic decentral applications.
22129,063117,678omnirepoCreate a new omnibus repository out of collections of existing GitHub repositories.
23131,652117,678reeltalkWeb chat system using Celluloid+Reel+Websockets
24141,595117,678reefCelluloid::IO & Reel powered HTTP(S)/WS framework foundation module.
25142,48777,965cultureEnvironment for ECell to flourish within.
26143,74697,080ecellDistributed Concurrent Objects, Evolved
27144,26977,965celluloid-task-pooledfiberAn alternate Task implementation for Celluloid which improves performance by reusing a ...
28146,474117,678nadaNoSQL abstraction layer for Ruby, with 'evented' I/O provided by Celluloid.
29147,131117,678refrescarCode reloader, implemented using Celluloid and rb-inotify.
30147,40677,965celluloid-experimentalExperimenting with the next wave of Celluloid before it's released.
31148,59177,965celluloid-smtpA small, fast, evented, actor-based, highly customizable Ruby SMTP server.
32150,534117,678verticesRuby infrastructure framework pushing the limits of Hoop
33156,490117,678reel-dslURI-based CRUD endpoint routing for Reel; supporting HTTP/S requests, Web Sockets, and ...
34158,029117,678zeroneConcurrent Decentral Transmedia Framework
35158,30877,965celluloid-imapA small, fast, evented, actor-based, highly customizable Ruby IMAP server.
36161,392117,678reel-sessionsPersistent & semi-persistent server-side data storage for web browsing.
37162,686117,678celluloid-lock-detectionDetect and announce locked tasks for threaded and fibered actors.
38162,686117,678celluloid-managerModular system for outfitting an actor who maintains the Actor::System.
39163,211117,678celluloid-unlockerOnce deadlocked actor tasks are detected, gracefully and automatically unlock them.
40166,062117,678slack_ruby_bot_authorizationEasy way to build a whitelist authorization mechanism for slack ruby bot commands. De...
41167,68377,965artilleryStateless distributed atomic dynamic execution.
42168,004117,678celluloid-coordinatorA work-dispatch system where the coordinator is decoupled from the workers
43168,218117,678reel-ioEvented WebSockets and Server Side Events for Ruby, using Celluloid::IO and WebSocket::...
44168,855117,678wokePlatform and Environment for conscious digital Presence and Participation.
45171,814117,678hoopRINA foundation classes for Ruby