1 | 240 | 1,399 | celluloid | Celluloid enables people to build concurrent programs out of concurrent objects just as... |
2 | 300 | 1,597 | celluloid-io | Evented IO for Celluloid actors |
3 | 324 | 1,533 | celluloid-supervision | Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid. |
4 | 325 | 1,537 | celluloid-pool | An implementation of an actor pool, based on the Celluloid concurrent object framework. |
5 | 326 | 1,535 | celluloid-essentials | Notifications, Internals, Logging, Probe, and essential Celluloid pieces demanding Supe... |
6 | 327 | 1,538 | celluloid-fsm | Simple finite state machines with integrated Celluloid timeout support. |
7 | 328 | 1,534 | celluloid-extras | Classes to support examples, benchmarks, or add special functionality. |
8 | 7,206 | 68,530 | rspec-logsplit | A new logger for each example |
9 | 9,570 | 22,633 | reel | A Celluloid::IO-powered HTTP server |
10 | 16,857 | 16,519 | celluloid-zmq | Celluloid bindings to the ffi-rzmq library |
11 | 20,176 | 26,251 | dcell | DCell is an distributed object framework based on Celluloid built on 0MQ and Zookeeper |
12 | 21,390 | 46,777 | reel-rack | Rack adapter for Reel |
13 | 88,120 | 53,263 | esto | Process statistics, and utility for finding problems in Celluloid systems. |
14 | 89,212 | 58,846 | abstractive | Base utilities and framework for Abstractive gems. |
15 | 91,310 | 43,535 | cellumon | Thread summary and reporting actor, utility for finding leaks and monitoring. |
16 | 93,174 | 117,678 | timespans | Time delineation and organization utilities. |
17 | 96,892 | 53,263 | celluloid-dns | Celluloid::DNS provides a high-performance DNS client resolver and server
which can b... |
18 | 107,022 | 68,530 | phyre | Ruby without the sap. |
19 | 108,101 | 117,678 | matiox | Ruby gem for Aj'kij daykeepers and uninitiated alike. |
20 | 109,687 | 58,846 | celluloid-culture | In which we try to codify Celluloid's life philosophy as Ruby |
21 | 112,657 | 68,530 | easel | Transmedia framework for strategic decentral applications. |
22 | 129,063 | 117,678 | omnirepo | Create a new omnibus repository out of collections of existing GitHub repositories. |
23 | 131,652 | 117,678 | reeltalk | Web chat system using Celluloid+Reel+Websockets |
24 | 141,595 | 117,678 | reef | Celluloid::IO & Reel powered HTTP(S)/WS framework foundation module. |
25 | 142,487 | 77,965 | culture | Environment for ECell to flourish within. |
26 | 143,746 | 97,080 | ecell | Distributed Concurrent Objects, Evolved |
27 | 144,269 | 77,965 | celluloid-task-pooledfiber | An alternate Task implementation for Celluloid which improves performance by reusing a ... |
28 | 146,474 | 117,678 | nada | NoSQL abstraction layer for Ruby, with 'evented' I/O provided by Celluloid. |
29 | 147,131 | 117,678 | refrescar | Code reloader, implemented using Celluloid and rb-inotify. |
30 | 147,406 | 77,965 | celluloid-experimental | Experimenting with the next wave of Celluloid before it's released. |
31 | 148,591 | 77,965 | celluloid-smtp | A small, fast, evented, actor-based, highly customizable Ruby SMTP server. |
32 | 150,534 | 117,678 | vertices | Ruby infrastructure framework pushing the limits of Hoop |
33 | 156,490 | 117,678 | reel-dsl | URI-based CRUD endpoint routing for Reel; supporting HTTP/S requests, Web Sockets, and ... |
34 | 158,029 | 117,678 | zerone | Concurrent Decentral Transmedia Framework |
35 | 158,308 | 77,965 | celluloid-imap | A small, fast, evented, actor-based, highly customizable Ruby IMAP server. |
36 | 161,392 | 117,678 | reel-sessions | Persistent & semi-persistent server-side data storage for web browsing. |
37 | 162,686 | 117,678 | celluloid-lock-detection | Detect and announce locked tasks for threaded and fibered actors. |
38 | 162,686 | 117,678 | celluloid-manager | Modular system for outfitting an actor who maintains the Actor::System. |
39 | 163,211 | 117,678 | celluloid-unlocker | Once deadlocked actor tasks are detected, gracefully and automatically unlock them. |
40 | 166,062 | 117,678 | slack_ruby_bot_authorization | Easy way to build a whitelist authorization mechanism for slack ruby bot
commands. De... |
41 | 167,683 | 77,965 | artillery | Stateless distributed atomic dynamic execution. |
42 | 168,004 | 117,678 | celluloid-coordinator | A work-dispatch system where the coordinator is decoupled from the workers |
43 | 168,218 | 117,678 | reel-io | Evented WebSockets and Server Side Events for Ruby, using Celluloid::IO and WebSocket::... |
44 | 168,855 | 117,678 | woke | Platform and Environment for conscious digital Presence and Participation. |
45 | 171,814 | 117,678 | hoop | RINA foundation classes for Ruby |