1 | 9,778 | 13,858 | garage_client | Ruby client library for the Garage API |
2 | 30,922 | 12,736 | pact_expectations | Manage and convert Pact expectations to stubs for Remote Facade. |
3 | 74,654 | 61,367 | baby_face | baby_face is a mix-in module to provide a simple classifier. |
4 | 76,328 | 61,367 | ruboty-scorekeeper | ruboty handler. increment decrement scorekeeper |
5 | 79,639 | 61,367 | ruboty-gamification | gamification |
6 | 84,770 | 61,367 | s3-gyazo | private gyazo command using s3. |
7 | 94,678 | 61,367 | ruboty-hitozuma | Whimsical Magi system |
8 | 99,432 | 41,086 | geo_stalker | Get your location using your around wifi access point. |
9 | 107,873 | 61,367 | active_record-ssh_tunnel | Connect ActiveRecord with SSH Tunnel. |
10 | 113,717 | 61,367 | ruboty-attendance | System of attendance by ruboty. |
11 | 117,177 | 61,367 | fc2 | Very simple file cahce. |
12 | 130,928 | 61,367 | akane-kinesis | storage plugin for akane that post to Amazon Kinesis. |
13 | 136,846 | 41,086 | mock_aws_s3_on_memory | simple AWS::S3 mock. so you can use it in your tests without use the network. |
14 | 155,242 | 61,367 | ruboty-sql | Sql handler for Ruboty |