1 | 6,762 | 11,043 | more_core_extensions | MoreCoreExtensions are a set of core extensions beyond those provided by ActiveSupport. |
2 | 7,026 | 15,557 | linux_admin | LinuxAdmin is a module to simplify management of linux systems.
It should be a single p... |
3 | 7,160 | 11,528 | awesome_spawn | AwesomeSpawn is a module that provides some useful features over Ruby's Kernel.spawn. |
4 | 8,569 | 10,734 | ansible_tower_client | Ansible Tower REST API wrapper gem |
5 | 8,885 | 15,186 | ovirt_metrics | OvirtMetrics is an ActiveRecord-based gem for reading the oVirt History database. |
6 | 9,505 | 37,338 | ovirt | Ovirt provides a simple Object Oriented interface to the REST API of oVirt and RHEV-M s... |
7 | 9,878 | 18,001 | manageiq-api-client | This gem provides Ruby access to the ManageIQ API by exposing the ManageIQ
collecti... |
8 | 10,714 | 18,001 | manageiq-password | A simple encryption util for storing passwords in a database. |
9 | 10,729 | 14,567 | activerecord-id_regions | ActiveRecord extension to allow partitioning ids into regions, for merge replication pu... |
10 | 10,818 | 18,001 | manageiq-loggers | Loggers for ManageIQ projects |
11 | 11,546 | 15,557 | manageiq-postgres_ha_admin | ManageIQ Postgres H.A. Admin |
12 | 12,183 | 17,414 | manageiq-appliance_console | ManageIQ Appliance Console |
13 | 12,701 | 12,414 | manageiq-style | Style and linting configuration for ManageIQ projects. |
14 | 13,747 | 21,391 | foreman_api_client | Foreman apipie-bindings wrapper |
15 | 14,552 | 18,660 | manageiq-ssh-util | ManageIQ wrapper library for net-ssh |
16 | 16,610 | 15,939 | wim_parser | Parser for the Windows Image Format (WIM) |
17 | 22,203 | 28,693 | insights-api-common | Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig... |
18 | 26,526 | 32,207 | topological_inventory-providers-common | Common classes for topological-inventory collectors/operations |
19 | 38,870 | 105,340 | manageiq-network_discovery | ManageIQ Network Discovery |
20 | 55,920 | 105,340 | topological_inventory-api-client | Topological Inventory |
21 | 56,528 | 105,340 | sources-api-client | Sources |
22 | 56,683 | 45,403 | topological_inventory-ingress_api-client | Topological Inventory Ingress API |
23 | 59,932 | 45,403 | manageiq-api-common | Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for micro... |
24 | 107,669 | 22,622 | multi_repo | MultiRepo is a library for managing multiple repositiories and running scripts against ... |
25 | 108,230 | 105,340 | cfme-versions | Command line utility and library for viewing versions across ManageIQ, |