1 | 21,034 | 57,505 | mina-rollbar | Notify Rollbar of Mina deployments. |
2 | 21,339 | 57,505 | spektrum-log | Read and interpret Spektrum TLM log files. |
3 | 21,742 | 30,732 | brigade-monitor | Ruby gem for something... |
4 | 25,477 | 30,732 | eagletree-log | Read and interpret Eagle Tree telemetry log files. |
5 | 31,528 | 57,505 | jeti-log | Read and interpret Jeti telemetry log files. |
6 | 49,185 | 57,505 | castle-log | Read and interpret Castle Creations data log files. |
7 | 56,590 | 30,732 | cbr2pdf | Convert comic book archives to PDFs of the contained images. |
8 | 58,221 | 30,732 | cgminer-api | Ruby gem for interactive with cgminer RPC API |
9 | 58,617 | 30,732 | ipify | Ruby gem for ipify.org, a service to retrieve your external IP address. |
10 | 59,016 | 57,505 | mavlink-log | Read and interpret MAVLink telemetry log files. |
11 | 70,524 | 30,732 | mina-appsignal | Notify AppSignal of Mina deployments. |
12 | 72,806 | 30,732 | icharger-log | Read and interpret iCharger log files. |
13 | 91,504 | 57,505 | ms-binary-resources | Read binary resource files created with ResourceWriter or resgen. |
14 | 102,732 | 57,505 | douglas-ne-checks | Read and convert Douglas County NE check dumps to something more useful. |
15 | 117,342 | 30,732 | puttygen | Convert or generate SSH keys using puttygen. |
16 | 145,540 | 57,505 | opentx-log | Read and interpret OpenTx telemetry log files. |
17 | 146,408 | 57,505 | mobileminer-adapter | Ruby gem to report miner information to MobileMiner. |