Nickveys's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,03457,505mina-rollbarNotify Rollbar of Mina deployments.
221,33957,505spektrum-logRead and interpret Spektrum TLM log files.
321,74230,732brigade-monitorRuby gem for something...
425,47730,732eagletree-logRead and interpret Eagle Tree telemetry log files.
531,52857,505jeti-logRead and interpret Jeti telemetry log files.
649,18557,505castle-logRead and interpret Castle Creations data log files.
756,59030,732cbr2pdfConvert comic book archives to PDFs of the contained images.
858,22130,732cgminer-apiRuby gem for interactive with cgminer RPC API
958,61730,732ipifyRuby gem for, a service to retrieve your external IP address.
1059,01657,505mavlink-logRead and interpret MAVLink telemetry log files.
1170,52430,732mina-appsignalNotify AppSignal of Mina deployments.
1272,80630,732icharger-logRead and interpret iCharger log files.
1391,50457,505ms-binary-resourcesRead binary resource files created with ResourceWriter or resgen.
14102,73257,505douglas-ne-checksRead and convert Douglas County NE check dumps to something more useful.
15117,34230,732puttygenConvert or generate SSH keys using puttygen.
16145,54057,505opentx-logRead and interpret OpenTx telemetry log files.
17146,40857,505mobileminer-adapterRuby gem to report miner information to MobileMiner.