Whitmer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,6224,016canvas-apiRuby library for accessing the Canvas API
210,26749,180obfA parser and converter for .obf and .obz files
339,92511,229aac-metricsA tool for analysing and comparing grid-based AAC board sets
440,96249,180boy_bandAsync/Background helper gem, used by multiple CoughDrop libraries
546,69312,417go_secureSecurity helper gem, used by multiple CoughDrop libraries
670,87049,180permissable-coughdropPermissions helper gem, used by multiple CoughDrop libraries
786,51149,180accessible_booksUtility for programmatic access to TarheelReader and other accessible books
8119,07649,180accessible-booksUtility for programmatic access to TarheelReader and other accessible books