Adzankich's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0163,854rubyserialFFI Ruby library for RS-232 serial port communication
213,89930,732artooRuby-based microframework for robotics
326,04430,732artoo-arduinoArtoo adaptor and driver for Arduino
428,87430,732artoo-spheroArtoo adaptor and driver for Sphero robot
530,71330,732artoo-pebbleArtoo adaptor and driver for Pebble smart watch
631,30130,732robeauxA React-based front-end for CPPP-IO APIs
731,46030,732hybridgroup-spheroA ruby gem for controlling your Sphero ball. Sends commands over the TTY provided by t...
833,07522,984hybridgroup-firmataA lib for working with the Firmata protocol in Ruby.
933,56430,732artoo-raspiArtoo adaptor for Raspberry Pi
1036,49330,732artoo-gpioArtoo standard drivers for GPIO devices such as digital IO, analog IO, PWM IO, and servos
1138,64957,505artoo-leapmotionArtoo adaptor and driver for Leap Motion
1239,88657,505artoo-ardroneArtoo adaptor and driver for Parrot ARDrone 2.0
1340,20322,984artoo-i2cArtoo standard drivers for i2c devices
1444,73357,505artoo-roombaArtoo adaptor and driver for Roomba robot
1552,30930,732spheroA ruby gem for controlling your Sphero ball. Sends commands over the TTY provided by t...
1652,83257,505artoo-crazyflieArtoo adaptor and driver for Crazyflie
1757,88522,984hybridgroup-argusArgus is a Ruby interface to a Parrot AR Drone quadcopter.Argus is extremely experiment...
1862,26019,502artoo-digisparkArtoo adaptor for Digispark USB development board
1965,24857,505artoo-neuroskyArtoo adaptor and driver for Neurosky
2073,59257,505artoo-joystickArtoo adaptor and driver for SDL joysticks and game controllers
2174,70057,505artoo-beagleboneArtoo adaptor for Beaglebone
2293,93457,505artoo-opencvArtoo adaptor and driver for Opencv
2395,65330,732artoo-sparkArtoo adaptor for Spark
24102,24957,505hybridgroup-ruby-sdl-ffiRuby-SDL-FFI is a low-level binding to SDL and related libraries using Ruby-FFI. It pro...
25102,33357,505hybridgroup-crubyflieClient library to control a Crazyflie. This library allows to talk to a crazyflie using...
26107,24157,505hybridgroup-mindsetThis module reads all data transmitted by a Neurosky Mindset, which must already be pai...
27110,46457,505robouxAngular-based front end for Artoo API
28124,93830,732artoo-keyboardArtoo adaptor for keyboard input