1 | 17,464 | 86,038 | cybele | Rails 5.x App template |
2 | 28,925 | 19,470 | hierapolis-rails | This gem using to integrate hierapolis theme on rails project. |
3 | 33,644 | 20,749 | katip | This is a Change Logging gem for a git initialized project. |
4 | 49,422 | 16,697 | blankable | Adds blank slates to index view |
5 | 49,963 | 28,793 | kangal | Kangal brings you a nice set of custom validators for Rails 4. |
6 | 53,084 | 86,038 | recipes_matic | Copy beautiful recipes into project |
7 | 61,981 | 17,444 | model_to_locale | Create a locale attributes from model |
8 | 65,957 | 31,663 | l12n | Locations data |
9 | 68,786 | 86,038 | parayaz | Turkish number to text money |
10 | 69,037 | 86,038 | bulutfon_sdk | Bulutfon API SDK for ruby & ruby on rails. |
11 | 89,318 | 26,609 | tcmb_currency | TCMB gem |
12 | 106,080 | 42,025 | kebab_remote_api | Kebab Remote API is a gem that sends spesific server data through JSON. |
13 | 110,711 | 86,038 | bfon_builder | You can generate bfon objects with simple method calls |
14 | 113,133 | 86,038 | parasut_ruby_sdk | Paraşüt SDK |