Lab2023's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,47451,220cybeleRails 5.x App template
228,92851,220hierapolis-railsThis gem using to  integrate hierapolis theme  on rails project.
333,65451,220katipThis is a Change Logging gem for a git initialized project.
449,38929,512blankableAdds blank slates to index view
549,97751,220kangalKangal brings you a nice set of custom validators for Rails 4.
653,08951,220recipes_maticCopy beautiful recipes into project
761,93329,512model_to_localeCreate a locale attributes from model
865,95216,557l12nLocations data
968,78651,220parayazTurkish number to text money
1087,31651,220kebapageKebapage is a static page manager for Cybele initialized Rails applications.
1189,26515,342tcmb_currencyTCMB gem
12106,09851,220kebab_remote_apiKebab Remote API is a gem that sends spesific server data through JSON.
13113,14151,220parasut_ruby_sdkParaşüt SDK
14127,03651,220gdnsd_ioWe have a 'path' to save our file with .txt extension.
15161,28251,220gdnsdfileFileoperations gem