Dcu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,29351,488mongo_mapper-unstableA Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo
217,56632,595gecoder-with-gecodeGecode/R is a Ruby interface to the Gecode constraint programming library. Gecode/R...
317,88832,595magentSimple job queue system based on mongodb
420,91423,861mongomapper_extMongoMapper extensions
521,04632,595gecoderGecode/R is a Ruby interface to the Gecode constraint programming library. Gecode/R...
625,71226,667multiauthmulti authentication gem using devise & co
732,645129,735mongobileadmin ui for mongodb based on jquery mobile
835,858129,735ricodigo-capistrano-recipesour capistrano recipes. forked from capistrano-recipes
936,74426,667bug_huntersinatra app to manage web app exceptions
1050,80251,488happy-commithappy commits!
1157,024129,735ricogenA Rails 3.0 generator (like for the whole project) that pre-generates a bunch of ...
1257,15051,488dcu-typhoeusLike a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs ...
1362,198129,735mongoid_extmongoid plugins
1463,113129,735raelibrary to access the rae.es
1565,335129,735plasmoidruby gem to build and work with KDE plasmoids
1672,69451,488gem2debConvert ruby gems to debian packages
1772,78051,488mm-filesFIX (describe your package)
1872,968129,735mm-searchFIX (describe your package)
1981,328129,735mongoid-xapianFull text search for mongoid using xapian
2086,74332,595check_jssmall utility to check the JavaScript syntax of a list of files. it also allow to insta...
2190,52751,488lyricslib and cli to fetch lyrics
2291,07651,488isohunt-essearch movies on isohunt.com and subtitles (in spanish) in subdivx.com
2396,509129,735social_widgetsdisplay widgets of social networks
24103,40751,488dcu-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
25118,99551,488dcu-purple_rubyA ruby gem to write server that sends and recives IM messages
26121,49251,488htmlconverterConvert HTML to PDF, PS, SVG and PNG
27121,50651,488has_fixturesagnostic plugin for building pseudo random models. fork of dm-sweatshop by Ben Burkert ...
28122,00851,488git_pmset of git related tools
29124,137129,735xsFIX (describe your package)
30124,39951,488jsbeautyread more details on http://www.sencha.com/blog/2010/10/21/make-a-javascript-formatter-...
31126,730129,735rr2fetcherDownload files from a rapidshare free account
32127,932129,735who_is_itauto tag social people
33128,347129,735webstalkerauto tag social people
34159,10151,488devise-edgeFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden