Brianastien's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,85632,595action_subscriberActionSubscriber is a DSL that allows a rails app to consume messages from a RabbitMQ b...
29,11519,472active_remoteActive Remote provides Active Record-like object-relational mapping over RPC. It was wr...
312,87951,488protobuf-activerecordProvides the ability to create Active Record objects from Protocol Buffer messages and ...
413,65711,582lifeguardDo you have a threadpool? Do you need someone to watch it? Look no further!
529,05526,667rubiksA gem to allow defining an OLAP schema from a hash and generate an XML schema for Mondrian
633,18926,667fireboltSimple little cache warmer.
735,68051,488baeMultinomial naive bayes classifier with a kick of java
850,07351,488activerecord-import-verticaAn activerecord-import extension for Vertica
976,74551,488finicityA gem to communicate easily with Finicity's API
10140,80451,488geokit-rails-verticaA vertica adapter for geokit-rails
11152,20851,488active_remote-bulkBulk methods for ActiveRemote