Cyberdelia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7462,724rubocop-sequelCode style checking for Sequel
24,2474,571logfmtParse log lines in the logfmt style.
37,0265,795valcroValcro is a validation library for arbitrary ruby objects. I's primary goal is to remai...
47,1725,747fluent-plugin-tdTreasure Data Cloud Data Service plugin for Fluentd
515,51054,789sequel_caller_locationAdd caller location as SQL comments
647,28854,789fernet-rackFernet rack authentication middleware
755,90654,789sequel_vaultSequel plugins to handle encrypted attributes
875,19554,789sequel_passwordSequel plugins to handle password hashing
9143,75820,576logfmt-tagged_loggerMake logfmt aware of ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging to write logfmt-styled log lines, wit...