Mikaelwikman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1103,29663,432em-minitestMonkey-patch MiniTest to run each test within EventMachine reactor
2131,90863,432bitstamp-realtimeRuby implementation of BitStamp API, with support for near-realtime feeding.
3135,71963,432hashrulesRule-based hash manipulator using custom DSL
4135,92341,916delugeRuby implementation of the Deluge RPC API
5136,04630,305document-storeThis wrapper provides a minimalistic interfaced to document-based databases. It include...
6142,14941,916region-spotterWhat if I ask you: "What country is 'ontario'", or "where is 'ca'"? I would answer: Ont...
7145,55541,916rencode-rubyThis implementation aims to be complient with the Connelly Barnes implementation of ren...