Sudhirj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,0675,350shortuuidQuickly and easily convert UUIDs to space efficient Base62 strings.
237,82577,363active_datastoreODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for the Google Cloud Datastore.
347,92131,109redqueenRails wrapper for Redis
489,72377,363paisaIndia specifc formatting for currecies stored in Paise
5130,354139,268bucket_standEasily mount your AWS S3 buckets as folders on a rails app. Useful when you need to mou...
6132,298139,268controllerControl you AWS deployment from any command line
7139,324139,268fuzzy-promptTokenizes, fuzzes and scores strings - good for autocomplete
8147,411139,268maesterExamine and parse various Web based data formats.