Johnotander's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,16042,025basscss-railsInclude BASSCSS, a simple, responsive CSS toolkit based on OOCSS principles in your Rai...
229,17653,556cradlepointCradlepoint ECM API gem
329,47120,749email_formatValidates the email format.
429,88831,663archivableArchive your Rails models rather than delete them, with model and controller concerns.
535,17786,038clrsInclude in your Rails apps.
639,78328,793meta_magicWant to get a path to an AR object, but don't know what the object is? Want to set a co...
742,92986,038url_formatValidate the url format of an attribute.
848,24922,512form_errorsClean up form error reporting in Rails with a nice little view helper. <%= display_e...
959,59026,609izIz provides an API for type checking objects.
1062,95542,025deckoratorLightweight decorators using plain old Ruby objects.
1165,38886,038cellularityDetermine whether a string is an ICCID, IMEI, ESN, or MDN.
1273,21786,038will_toggleThis gem will toggle page content, based on the current state of a check button.
1378,34686,038furtiveUtility CSS classes for every project.
1479,21486,038urls_for_humansA delightfully simple way to make your urls friendly to end users, without muddying up ...
1580,66186,038subnet_formatValidates a subnet given a range, subnet mask, gateway IP, and network address.
1681,35786,038snotelRuby client for accessing SNOTEL station data for snowfall data. Supports hourly and da...
1788,75886,038rails_pg_restoreCLI to restore a postgres database from a backup. Infers db config from config/database...
18101,21753,556bccAdd a BCC to all emails sent with action mailer via an interceptor
19109,81386,038nest_wrapperA wrapper to a wrapper for the nest thermostat API.
20119,57853,556ip_formatValidates IP address format using the resolv library.
21120,50342,025greprCLI tool with sensical defaults and useful options for grepping in Rails projects
22136,97486,038dashing_jsonMake your JSON absolutely dashing in your rails HTML views.
23137,01253,556link_with_iconWrapper for the link_to method to include icons.
24142,03942,025mac_formatValidates mac format with the mac_address gem.
25143,26086,038space_catsSpace. Cats. Gem.