Andrii-baran's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,01761,367flow_objectGeneral purpose software library designed for happiness
254,58861,367rspec_request_helpersA set of helpers for request test with RSpec
344,25815,138mature_factoryconfigurable modules provide a tiny DSL for managing factory
484,07541,086easy_paramsDessribe structure, validate and coerce values. Powered by dry-types and dry-struct
590,04041,086simple_facadeProvides a handy interface to manage members of a facade object
6120,77761,367rspec_database_helperSmall helper that helps organize definitions of FactoryBot.create methods in elegant way
7138,02761,367hw_chekerHome work checker for
8142,99061,367steel_wheelTiny DSL for code in controllers
9144,54661,367rspec_vars_helperSmall extension that helps organize your tests
10159,25519,101ninaReduce biolerplate code when you need to create complex OOD composition
11159,47261,367hospodarSimple DSL that supports creating complex strutures of objects
12175,45761,367toritoriCreate factories with DSL
13166,18880,132the_factoryconfigurable modules provide a tiny DSL for managing factory