1 | 9,734 | 8,114 | degzipper | Rack middleware to inflate incoming Gzip data from HTTP requests. |
2 | 46,925 | 59,086 | marcopolo | Log raw HTTP requests & responses |
3 | 47,926 | 24,889 | elasticsearch-utils | Simple utilities built ontop of Elasticsearch |
4 | 48,866 | 17,570 | rscout | Integration tests with Rspec |
5 | 53,907 | 59,086 | relational_exporter | Export relational databases as flat files |
6 | 56,355 | 28,543 | capistrano-swallow | An opinionated meta-gem that adds plugins to Capistrano for Rails |
7 | 71,310 | 59,086 | catch_json_parse_errors | A Rack middleware for catching JSON parse errors and providing friendlier messages. |
8 | 82,654 | 59,086 | capistrano-webhook | Simple webhooks for Capistrano deployments. |
9 | 87,408 | 59,086 | base64_string | Add Base64 methods to Ruby's String class |
10 | 141,606 | 59,086 | alohomora | Tool for unsealing a Hashicorp Vault |
11 | 142,178 | 59,086 | pensive | Parse access logs to a mongo db. |
12 | 151,089 | 59,086 | pin_drop | Tool for estimating how weak a pin code is. |
13 | 159,779 | 59,086 | spiderpig | Does whatever a spiderpig does |