Andrhamm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,7348,114degzipperRack middleware to inflate incoming Gzip data from HTTP requests.
246,92559,086marcopoloLog raw HTTP requests & responses
347,92624,889elasticsearch-utilsSimple utilities built ontop of Elasticsearch
448,86617,570rscoutIntegration tests with Rspec
553,90759,086relational_exporterExport relational databases as flat files
656,35528,543capistrano-swallowAn opinionated meta-gem that adds plugins to Capistrano for Rails
771,31059,086catch_json_parse_errorsA Rack middleware for catching JSON parse errors and providing friendlier messages.
882,65459,086capistrano-webhookSimple webhooks for Capistrano deployments.
987,40859,086base64_stringAdd Base64 methods to Ruby's String class
10141,60659,086alohomoraTool for unsealing a Hashicorp Vault
11142,17859,086pensiveParse access logs to a mongo db.
12151,08959,086pin_dropTool for estimating how weak a pin code is.
13159,77959,086spiderpigDoes whatever a spiderpig does