Esampaio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,05668,625topcoat-railsAdd Adobe's Topcoat to your Rails app
248,94368,625intelipostGem to access the REST API of Intelipost
351,50026,017capistrano-roboAdd the capability to run Robo tasks on Capistrano 3.X
491,62342,281affilinetGem to access the rest (actually only get but...) API of affilinet
597,74568,625nfedobrasilGem to interact with NFEdoBrasil SOAP API. Enables creation, consultation and import of...
6140,40768,625wolkeCommand line tool for using SoundCloud
7154,48768,625rack-segmentRack Middleware to inject Segment javascript into your Rack app.