1 | 14,638 | 17,070 | rails-vue-loader | A Sprockets transformer that converts .vue file into js object. |
2 | 45,351 | 86,038 | sprockets-vue | A Sprockets transformer that converts .vue file into js object. |
3 | 53,163 | 53,556 | unionpay | An unofficial unionpay gem |
4 | 74,221 | 28,793 | gosns | gem sns information from twitter, facebook, google+... |
5 | 75,952 | 26,609 | lolink | lol中国区客户端和升级补丁下载器 |
6 | 79,322 | 86,038 | colread | download a list of text on a page |
7 | 84,042 | 53,556 | easy_form | form builder without complex dsl |
8 | 138,057 | 42,025 | acts-as-taggable-on-fix | With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, ... |
9 | 155,467 | 53,556 | mina-laravel | Tools to deploy Laravel apps with mina. |
10 | 156,630 | 86,038 | rediscord | keep record id sync with dynamic redis set or zset |