1 | 30,657 | 36,605 | hobby | A Ruby DSL over Rack. You can create with it reusable web applications, suitable for bo... |
2 | 35,863 | 28,615 | hobby-test | A way to test HTTP exchanges via YAML specifications |
3 | 36,609 | 24,029 | bgem | To make Ruby gems from macros. |
4 | 41,083 | 97,699 | hobby-devtools | My setup for development of Hobby-related projects. |
5 | 56,351 | 14,741 | to_proc | What if almost any object were a proc? |
6 | 63,380 | 97,699 | hobby-json | A Hobby extension for JSON requests and responses. |
7 | 67,030 | 36,605 | hobby-pages | A Hobby app to return a bunch of HTML pages from a directory. |
8 | 69,249 | 14,741 | typ | To type Ruby objects. |
9 | 71,743 | 28,615 | lgm | CRM | Lead Gathering Machine |
10 | 72,492 | 97,699 | hash-as-tree | A refinements for Hash to use it as a tree. |
11 | 94,025 | 36,605 | hobby-auth | A Hobby extension to authorize routes. |
12 | 94,815 | 20,946 | tra | Erlang-style messaging for Ruby processes |
13 | 97,012 | 53,223 | typ-rspec-matcher | A RSpec matcher to pose. |
14 | 99,356 | 53,223 | hobby-rpc | A simple RPC system for callable Ruby constants. It allows to expose them over HTTP saf... |
15 | 103,050 | 97,699 | typ-formatter | To format validations made with typs. |
16 | 110,642 | 97,699 | dc | Manage projects with Docker conveniently. |
17 | 111,432 | 97,699 | hobby-cors | A Rack middleware for CORS, with permissive defaults. |
18 | 111,566 | 97,699 | val | Validate values of Ruby objects. |
19 | 141,220 | 36,605 | string-indent | String#indent |
20 | 141,220 | 53,223 | include_constants | A way to include constants from a module, without including its methods. |
21 | 142,646 | 97,699 | nginx-server | Manage Nginx servers from Ruby. |
22 | 144,850 | 53,223 | suppress_output | Extend Object with a method for temporarily redirecting STDOUT and STDERR to /dev/null |
23 | 146,916 | 97,699 | metaru | It will be a metacircular Ruby implementation(but for now, it is just a reserved name w... |
24 | 147,646 | 97,699 | with.dot | I wonder if the name can contain a dot. |
25 | 155,480 | 97,699 | la | A local Tatoeba. |
26 | 162,361 | 53,223 | testo | A set of primitives from which a powerful test harness can be baked. |
27 | 163,256 | 97,699 | foundation-scss | SCSS files from Zurb Foundation |
28 | 163,867 | 97,699 | clite | A lightweigth command-line interface. |
29 | 165,361 | 97,699 | hobby-json-keys | A Hobby extension to parse JSON requests. |
30 | 166,608 | 36,605 | syn | Syntactic Ruby objects. |
31 | 167,122 | 36,605 | testo-test | Run tests with proper isolation(in separate processes). |
32 | 167,354 | 97,699 | is-rspec | A RSpec matcher for typed testing. |
33 | 168,927 | 97,699 | hobby-signup | A Rack application for signing up. |
34 | 169,003 | 97,699 | hobby-sso-guard | A Rack middleware for SSO(single sign-on). |
35 | 169,024 | 97,699 | hobby-sso-emailing_server | A hobby-sso server providing authentication links to emails. |
36 | 169,685 | 97,699 | rack-middleware | A convenient way to create Rack middlewares. |
37 | 176,349 | 53,223 | bgem-new | A CLI to generate new Bgem projects. |
38 | 180,522 | 97,699 | air-parse | To parse air. |