1 | 58,499 | 22,994 | pseudo_entity | A class for generating realistic looking data for people, companies, etc. |
2 | 92,658 | 74,510 | huge_enumerable | Enumerate, sample, shuffle, combine, permutate, and create products of massive data set... |
3 | 97,527 | 30,170 | prime_miller_rabin | Test primes faster than Ruby's default methods by using the Miller-Rabin method. |
4 | 103,711 | 47,329 | dsl_block | DslBlock is a quick and simple DSL creator. |
5 | 105,754 | 74,510 | app_config_for | Rails::Application#config_for style capabilities for non-rails applications, gems, and ... |
6 | 122,167 | 47,329 | ar_database_duplicator | Duplicate a complete or partial database with ActiveRecord while controlling sensitive ... |
7 | 141,082 | 74,510 | inheritance_hash | A hash that can inherit entries from other normal hashes or other inheritance hashes. |