Jgrubbs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,39874,510delayed_cronRun your cron jobs with sidekiq, delayed_job, resque, or sucker_punch.
242,38874,510sekoA ruby wrapper for interfacing with Seko Logistics' SupplySteam iHub API
346,41374,510unique_identifierbefore_create helper to create unique idenfication fields
455,42674,510carousel-ruby-apiRuby Library for Carousel Fulfillment API
562,17174,510trebbianno-ruby-apiRuby Library for Trebbianno Fulfillment API
663,54474,510dhl_express_globalRuby wrapper for the DHL Express Global API
780,85474,510active_record-remoteActive Record pattern for remote APIs
881,37974,510rlm_logisticsRuby API wrapper for RLM logistics
9100,66974,510stellae-ruby-apiRuby Library for Stellae Fulfillment API
10129,41147,329kp-utilscommonly used rake tasks and other goodies we use all the time