1 | 30,721 | 51,323 | delayed_cron | Run your cron jobs with sidekiq, delayed_job, resque, or sucker_punch. |
2 | 42,669 | 51,323 | seko | A ruby wrapper for interfacing with Seko Logistics' SupplySteam iHub API |
3 | 46,858 | 51,323 | unique_identifier | before_create helper to create unique idenfication fields |
4 | 55,778 | 51,323 | carousel-ruby-api | Ruby Library for Carousel Fulfillment API |
5 | 62,401 | 51,323 | trebbianno-ruby-api | Ruby Library for Trebbianno Fulfillment API |
6 | 64,184 | 51,323 | dhl_express_global | Ruby wrapper for the DHL Express Global API |
7 | 81,201 | 27,387 | active_record-remote | Active Record pattern for remote APIs |
8 | 81,769 | 51,323 | rlm_logistics | Ruby API wrapper for RLM logistics |
9 | 100,996 | 51,323 | stellae-ruby-api | Ruby Library for Stellae Fulfillment API |
10 | 129,640 | 51,323 | kp-utils | commonly used rake tasks and other goodies we use all the time |