Bestie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,05325,563hstructStruct with the convenience of instantiating from a Hash
257,35366,011fetchableProvides a mixin and decorator to add a `Hash#fetch` like interface to any object. You ...
386,97340,936keyword_curryAugments Ruby currying to handle MRI 2.1 required keyword arguments. Proc like objects ...
487,38366,011terrestrialA data mapper ORM for Ruby. Persists POROs, enables DDD and fast tests. Makes your obje...
5111,494107,996curryableEnables immutable command objects to act as currable functions
6117,309107,996sequel_mapperA data mapper built on top of the Sequel database toolkit
7137,214107,996snowdenFuzzy encrypted indexes in ruby
8146,822107,996festoonTools for better object composition and decoration