Tricknotes's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18831,244babel-sourceBabel JS source
29001,255babel-transpilerRuby Babel is a bridge to the JS Babel transpiler.
31,8292,700sprockets-es6A Sprockets transformer that converts ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with Babel JS.
44,2657,936barberHandlebars precompilation
54,5908,279ember-railsEmber for Rails 3.1+
64,9936,340ember-cli-railsIntegration between Ember CLI and Rails
75,0256,052ember-cli-rails-assetsInclude EmberCLI-generated JavaScript and CSS stylesheet tags in your Rails layouts
85,1364,080view_source_mapThis is a Rails plugin to insert the path name of a rendered partial view as HTML comme...
95,7798,543ember-handlebars-templateThe sprockets template for Ember Handlebars.
106,65716,361hamlbarsHamlbars allows you to write handlebars templates using the familiar Haml syntax.
118,92811,826ember-cli-assetsThe assets for Ember CLI.
129,20410,224ember-es6_templateThe tilt template for Ember specified ES6.
1316,64831,663esperanto-sourceesperanto for Ruby
1418,00453,556extensionatorA tool for packaging Chrome extensions
1525,58253,556ember-middlemanEmber for Middleman
1647,62486,038daimon-markdownMarkdown renderer for Daimon
1777,35786,038esperantoesperanto for Ruby.
1884,65953,556capybara_screenshot_idobataPost screenshot to Idobata
19115,04753,556sprockets-es6moduleSprockets ES6 transformer with module syntax
20138,05786,038daimon-dekaDaimon::Deka is RuboCop configuration gem
21159,12453,556daimon-exhibitionA simple mylist that can contain some products.