Pauldix's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1189185typhoeusLike a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs ...
21,7602,130influxdbThis is the official Ruby library for InfluxDB.
32,1492,425sax-machineDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri, Ox or Oga
43,1802,979domainatrixA cruel mistress that uses the public suffix domain list to dominate URLs by canonicali...
57,50141,086feedzirraThis project has been renamed to Feedjira, find out more at
68,83041,086errplaneThis gem provides implements instrumentation with Errplane for Rails 2.3.x and 3.x appl...
727,27361,367extractulaExtracts content like title, summary, and images from web pages like Dracula extracts b...
860,51961,367truffle-hogFinds RSS and Atom feed urls in html like a hog finds truffles. Tasty, delicious feeds....
960,88561,367bassetA wonderful hound that finds patterns in your data using machine learning.
10124,71841,086pauldix-ruby-gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m...