Patorash's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,82118,952acts_as_footprintableRails gem to allowing records to leave footprints
240,60289,538simple_groupsimple_group is able to add group function to ActiveRecord.
349,13789,538ransacker_translatorexpand search by ransack
449,48989,538imyouImyou has feature of attaching popular name to ActiveRecord model.
567,42189,538middleman-typescriptTypeScript support for middleman
683,22758,808model_historyModel History is a simple gem that allows you to keep track of changes to specific fiel...
799,77840,337csv2excelConvert csv file to xlsx file.
8100,97813,047buryBury is a library for extending the Hash class. Hash#bury method is the opposite of the...
9111,13547,536watir_shotCapture screenshot by watir.
10155,01089,538opal-knockoutOpal library for knockout.js
11171,02189,538rh-activerecord-diffSimple ActiveRecord diff functionality
12173,32789,538full_metal_bodyFullMetalBody is an input validation tool for ruby on rails.