Sillevl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
175,53363,432tlc59116Driver for TLC59116 led driver using I2C
280,57530,305dxf_dummy_generatorCreates dummy dxf files
394,40163,432teletaskTeletask gem enables the communication with a Teletask Domitics central using the DoIP ...
497,21125,458qt1070QT1070 capacitive touch sensor library for Ruby
5114,15941,916touchberrypiRuby library for using and controlling the Touchberry Pi shield
6130,48263,432sillevl_temperature_libraryLibrary for converting temperatures and command line tool
7135,88863,432m3piRuby gem for controlling a m3pi robot using Xbee
8139,44563,432classroom-cliToolbox for Github classroom.
9155,08941,916robotwarsShared screen multiplayer game. No controls provided, players need provide actions and ...
10159,18963,432hola_silleA simple hello world gem
11167,37063,432mcp9800MCP 9800 Temperature sensor driver Ruby
12171,14163,432svl-holaA simple hello world gem