1 | 25,656 | 67,544 | snow-math | Math types built on the SnowPalm math code |
2 | 26,687 | 45,460 | glfw3 | GLFW 3 bindings for Ruby 2.x |
3 | 45,105 | 67,544 | opengl-core | OpenGL core profile (3.2 onward, no deprecated functionality) bindings for Ruby 2.x. Ge... |
4 | 64,906 | 67,544 | snow-data | Snow-Data is a gem for allocating memory and working with existing blocks of
memory in ... |
5 | 84,074 | 67,544 | oaktree | OakTree static HTML blog generation tool.
If you're smart, you won't use this. Otherw... |
6 | 92,346 | 67,544 | opengl-aux | A collection auxiliary of functions and types to simplify using the opengl-core gem. |
7 | 106,257 | 67,544 | stb-image | stb_image.c bindings for loading basic image data from a variety of formats
(JPG, PNG, ... |
8 | 140,792 | 67,544 | lita-interrupt | lita-interrupt interrupts a user by assigning them to a new incident in PagerDuty |
9 | 166,635 | 67,544 | gui | A GUI gem for Ruby. |
10 | 166,811 | 67,544 | gametools | A gem of tools for Ruby game development using GLFW 3 and OpenGL. |