Jemc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,20733,893wiresA lightweight, extensible asynchronous event routing framework in Ruby.
216,1534,504activesupport-core-extABANDONED GEM
321,47712,736m2xAT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte...
425,58661,367rabbitmqA Ruby RabbitMQ client library based on FFI bindings for librabbitmq.
531,61461,367wires-testTesting convenience gem for the wires framework.
639,32115,549mycoAn experimental language on the Rubinius VM
743,34941,086compoundA new paradigm for mixing objects in Ruby.
846,04161,367threadlockUse the threadlock method in your class definition to automatically run instance method...
948,36320,275hegemonA generic Ruby state machine pattern, with thread safety as a top priority.Make your ob...
1053,00320,275mosqA Ruby MQTT client library based on FFI bindings for libmosquitto.
1159,53323,402m2x-mqttAT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte...
1261,98261,367jemc-reporterA custom minitest reporter made to my personal aesthetic specifications.
1369,10061,367discoveryDevice and service discovery.
1479,05041,086geohash_intWraps geohash-int (, a fast C99 geohash library ...
1594,23461,367branA source of Fiber.
16107,03761,367wires-inotifyWires extension gem to integrate with inotify via rb-inotify.
17107,39261,367wires-ircbotWires extension gem for creating flexible, dynamic IRC bots.
18107,60261,367starkfishAn aesthetically revised template for darkfish,the rdoc documentation generator for ruby.
19107,88361,367qt-commanderA Ruby utility for building and management of Qt Creator projects.
20136,02361,367yard-wiresYARD plugin for documenting programs using the wires event routing framework for Ruby.
21136,16061,367decoDecorate an existing method in Ruby cleanly, without aliasing.
22141,11761,367wires-icalendarWires extension gem for integration with icalendar events.
23141,55561,367wires-clusterWires extension gem for firing and receiving events between Ruby processes with UDP mul...
24153,35261,367janssonA Ruby JSON library based on FFI bindings for libjansson.