1 | 14,207 | 33,893 | wires | A lightweight, extensible asynchronous event routing framework in Ruby. |
2 | 16,153 | 4,504 | activesupport-core-ext | ABANDONED GEM |
3 | 21,477 | 12,736 | m2x | AT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte... |
4 | 25,586 | 61,367 | rabbitmq | A Ruby RabbitMQ client library based on FFI bindings for librabbitmq. |
5 | 31,614 | 61,367 | wires-test | Testing convenience gem for the wires framework. |
6 | 39,321 | 15,549 | myco | An experimental language on the Rubinius VM |
7 | 43,349 | 41,086 | compound | A new paradigm for mixing objects in Ruby. |
8 | 46,041 | 61,367 | threadlock | Use the threadlock method in your class definition to automatically run instance method... |
9 | 48,363 | 20,275 | hegemon | A generic Ruby state machine pattern, with thread safety as a top priority.Make your ob... |
10 | 53,003 | 20,275 | mosq | A Ruby MQTT client library based on FFI bindings for libmosquitto. |
11 | 59,533 | 23,402 | m2x-mqtt | AT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte... |
12 | 61,982 | 61,367 | jemc-reporter | A custom minitest reporter made to my personal aesthetic specifications. |
13 | 69,100 | 61,367 | discovery | Device and service discovery. |
14 | 79,050 | 41,086 | geohash_int | Wraps geohash-int (https://github.com/yinqiwen/geohash-int, a fast C99 geohash library ... |
15 | 94,234 | 61,367 | bran | A source of Fiber. |
16 | 107,037 | 61,367 | wires-inotify | Wires extension gem to integrate with inotify via rb-inotify. |
17 | 107,392 | 61,367 | wires-ircbot | Wires extension gem for creating flexible, dynamic IRC bots. |
18 | 107,602 | 61,367 | starkfish | An aesthetically revised template for darkfish,the rdoc documentation generator for ruby. |
19 | 107,883 | 61,367 | qt-commander | A Ruby utility for building and management of Qt Creator projects. |
20 | 136,023 | 61,367 | yard-wires | YARD plugin for documenting programs using the wires event routing framework for Ruby. |
21 | 136,160 | 61,367 | deco | Decorate an existing method in Ruby cleanly, without aliasing. |
22 | 141,117 | 61,367 | wires-icalendar | Wires extension gem for integration with icalendar events. |
23 | 141,555 | 61,367 | wires-cluster | Wires extension gem for firing and receiving events between Ruby processes with UDP mul... |
24 | 153,352 | 61,367 | jansson | A Ruby JSON library based on FFI bindings for libjansson. |