Joallard's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19661,573pry-stack_explorerWalk the stack in a Pry session
21,3462,022pry-rescueAllows you to wrap code in Pry::rescue{ } to open a pry session at any unhandled except...
311,4233,418trastoTranslatable columns for Rails 4, directly stored in a Postgres hstore in the model table.
433,62811,504ca_postal_codeGuesses the Canadian province or territory (region) based on the postal code.
5107,27161,367regionalRegional allows defining regions and testing what's inside it.
6119,12761,367emailnessEmail validation with sensible defaults so you can go care about more important things....
7152,37061,367pry-stackexplorerFor people who don't like typing a hyphen then an underscore
8157,79861,367susan_collinsSets ::Concern to ActiveSupport::Concern so you can use them everywhere without nee...
9173,30061,367debundleRemoves the restrictions on loading gems imposed by Bundler only when you're running in...