1 | 53,206 | 24,362 | sneakers_retry_handler | Retries in specified time interval. Supports `on_retry` and `on_error` callbacks |
2 | 78,301 | 26,806 | wot_api_ru | Gem for Wargaming.net Public API http://ru.wargaming.net/developers/api_reference . |
3 | 105,145 | 66,923 | capistrano-passenger-restart | Passenger restart integration for Capistrano. |
4 | 111,296 | 66,923 | jquery_live-rails | Gem for adding jquery_live to Rails application. |
5 | 146,146 | 66,923 | hash_serializers | HashSerializers. |
6 | 147,351 | 66,923 | ya_metrika | Ruby gem for API Yandex Metrika |
7 | 162,786 | 66,923 | spalah_gem | Spalah Localization gem |
8 | 165,896 | 43,406 | spalah2017 | Test gem for Spalah group |