Natesymer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
134,28932,812mysticPooled PG singleton instance. Focus more on writing SQL than dealing with a finnicky OR...
237,59834,202sansomScientific, philosophical, abstract web 'picowork' named after Sansom street in Philly,...
351,04342,253rack-paramSane parameter validation for Rack::Request. Originally written for use with Sansom.
466,599157,485unfoldDead simple git deployment with minimal config.
574,39060,791sniffitScan for WEP-secured wireless networks and find their WEP key. Requires OS X and aircra...
682,833110,973densifyDensify is a general-purpose string minification gem written purely in C. It takes mere...
784,331110,973rack-authRackish authentication for Rack apps. Provides access to the `Authorization` HTTP header.
893,51670,493rbpipPoint-in-poly calcs for ruby. Extends Object.
9112,690157,485threadsafetyThreadsafety overrides attr_accessor and attr_writer to generate thread-safe setters. I...
10116,94270,493access_stackAbstract object pooling for cool people. See homepage
11147,946110,973mistfilesMistfiles is a gem for people who don't like the 'Rails' way. Mistfiles returns a Net::...