Kmewhort's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,01222,467transaction_timestampsKeeps the timestamps for all models created or updated in at transaction the same
246,99159,086griddler-sesGriddler adapter for AWS SES (handle incoming email replies through SES)
349,99259,086email_eventsSupports handling incoming events for SES/SNS or Sendgrid
468,57759,086creative_commons_railsRender internationalized Creative Commons license notices in your views
585,33328,543fast_html_diffPerforms a diff on two HTML inputs, outputting the result as HTML.
687,39759,086similarity_treeGenerates a tree representing the branches or revisions to a set of HTML files
7111,43959,086flowdock-notificationsCross-platform desktop notifications for Flowdock
8161,74859,086byebug-rails-loaderAutomatically load and re-load byebug on startup and when byebug.rc changes