Jiren's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,4338,172flatpickr_railsA lightweight & powerful datetimepicker using flatpickr lib https://github.com/chml...
231,29530,997rnotifierException catcher
392,66588,619js_varsManage javascript variables in html templates
4107,45688,619rasparRaspar collects data from the html page and creates object from it.
5116,25873,500open_location_codeOpen Location Codes are a way of encoding location into a form that is easier to use ...
6154,030112,317mongokitHelpers for mongoid i.e auto increment fields, search index
7154,244112,317html_mapperParse html and map to ruby object or hash
8156,568112,317exchangerate-apiCurrencies Exchange rates api client