Nikushi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,51012,386minipackMinipack is a gem for minimalists that integrates Rails and webpack without Webpcker
26,9719,922problem_detailsAn implementation of RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs
37,0529,922problem_details-railsAdd a :problem renderer that renponds with RFC 7807 Problem Details format
418,70763,432twirp-railsTwirp for Rails
519,97763,432webpack_manifestWebpackManifest is a gem that integrates Rails with npm's webpack-manifest-plugin witho...
636,45130,305fluent-plugin-yohoushiFluentd plugin to post data to yohoushi
738,99463,432multiforecast-clientMultiple GrowthForecast Client
849,91725,458naginataRemote multi nagios server control tool over ssh connection
960,38663,432fluent-plugin-derivefluentd plugin to derive rate
1080,90941,916ancestry-treeviewAn extension of ancestry gem to show a tree view
1199,85263,432sinatra-problem_detailsSinatra extention to add +problem+ method to respond with RFC 7807 Problem Details form
12111,41963,432ltsv2csvltsv2csv command converts LTSV (Labeled Tab Separated Values) to CSV
13151,40563,432data-criteriapowerful matcher for hashes. You can define matcheres like ActiveRecord's `#where` synt...
14151,95263,432validate_argsIt allows you to specify validations for method arguments, using `validate_args` to sup...
15161,02041,916webpack4rIntegrate your Rails app with Webpack