1 | 6,510 | 12,386 | minipack | Minipack is a gem for minimalists that integrates Rails and webpack without Webpcker |
2 | 6,971 | 9,922 | problem_details | An implementation of RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs |
3 | 7,052 | 9,922 | problem_details-rails | Add a :problem renderer that renponds with RFC 7807 Problem Details format |
4 | 18,707 | 63,432 | twirp-rails | Twirp for Rails |
5 | 19,977 | 63,432 | webpack_manifest | WebpackManifest is a gem that integrates Rails with npm's webpack-manifest-plugin witho... |
6 | 36,451 | 30,305 | fluent-plugin-yohoushi | Fluentd plugin to post data to yohoushi |
7 | 38,994 | 63,432 | multiforecast-client | Multiple GrowthForecast Client |
8 | 49,917 | 25,458 | naginata | Remote multi nagios server control tool over ssh connection |
9 | 60,386 | 63,432 | fluent-plugin-derive | fluentd plugin to derive rate |
10 | 80,909 | 41,916 | ancestry-treeview | An extension of ancestry gem to show a tree view |
11 | 99,852 | 63,432 | sinatra-problem_details | Sinatra extention to add +problem+ method to respond with RFC 7807 Problem Details form |
12 | 111,419 | 63,432 | ltsv2csv | ltsv2csv command converts LTSV (Labeled Tab Separated Values) to CSV |
13 | 151,405 | 63,432 | data-criteria | powerful matcher for hashes. You can define matcheres like ActiveRecord's `#where` synt... |
14 | 151,952 | 63,432 | validate_args | It allows you to specify validations for method arguments, using `validate_args` to sup... |
15 | 161,020 | 41,916 | webpack4r | Integrate your Rails app with Webpack |