Opencorporates's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,86311,879sqlite_magicSprinkles some magic onto Sqlite3 gem. Sort of extracted from Scraperwiki gem
29,7089,421turbot-runnerUtilities for running bots with Turbot
310,46810,361turbotClient library and CLI to deploy and manage bots on Turbot
417,83216,327turbot-ruby-gemsMetapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.
528,26222,263turbot-apiTurbot API client
631,04123,898turbotlibHelpers for writing Turbot bots
733,68024,914openc-json_schemaUtilities for validating JSON
833,73023,898turbot-runner-morphUtilities for running bots with Turbot
959,70845,087openc_botThis gem is to make the writing and running of bots for OpenCorporates quick and easy
1079,44245,087openc_json_schema_formatsCustom JSON validators required by openc's schemas, as implemented by json_validator gem
11101,20680,697json-schema-openc-forkOpenCorporates temporary fork of Ruby JSON Schema Validator
12143,443102,511openc-asanaFork of Official Ruby client for the Asana API