Fauxparse's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,7549,496cryRidiculously simple interface for subscribing to arbitrary events on your objects and e...
223,31456,274credentialsA generic actor/resource permission framework based on rules, not objects.
373,98038,928action_auditorKeep an audit trail of actions in your application
489,74056,274mongo_nested_setPort of awesome_nested_set for MongoMapper
5114,94156,274brute_squadSick of authentication frameworks with all the sauces? Me too.
6167,96856,274matchy_matchyA cute Stable Match implementation
7168,90156,274jocelynTools to slightly randomise a list.
8171,76256,274rice_bubbleSimple serialization for Ruby objects. Part of your complete breakfast.